Friday, March 28, 2014

Getting to know you

Or really getting to know me!


When I started writing this blog (a whopping day ago) I was not expecting as many people to find their way here. Thanks to Katie at Runs for Cookies I have had a bunch of people find my little space on the Internet and wanted to give you a better picture of who I am.

- I am 32 years old and live on the Central Coast of California
- I live with my wonderful boyfriend Chad in a house which is in all reality too big for 2 people, a dog and a goldfish but I love the kitchen and that's what really matters
- I work full time as a paramedic on an ambulance and have been working on an ambulance for over 7 years. Full time for me is 48 hours one week and 72 hours the next. That's before overtime which I work as well.
- I love my job, really I do
- Chad and I have one of the most spoiled dogs in the world. Her name is Charlie Louise and she is a rescue dog believed to be about 3.5 years old (you can look forward to a full Charlie post in the future!)

- At one point in my life I weighed 80lbs more then I do now
- I have become excellent at loosing and gaining weight. This time around I plan on becoming excellent in maintaining weight and health!
- I started running 2 years ago and have completed 2 half marathons, a 10k, a few 5ks and assorted distance trail runs
- Trail running is way harder then running on the road but so much fun
- I have recently started to practice Yoga. I'm still feeling my way through it but have fallen in love with the physical aspect of it and am looking more into the mental side
- I went to Catholic school for 6 years although my family is not Catholic. I was raised in the Episcopal church but don't currently attend.
- I hate ketchup. Hate it, despise it and don't want it on my plate. I also don't care for mustard or mayonnaise 
- When I started to become healthier (I decided that this time I was not just loosing weight but getting healthy) I started to cook again. I hadn't realized how much I missed it
- As a child I aspired to be Laura Ingalls Wilder. I read the Little House Books so many times I had parts memorized!
- I grew up doing theatre but developed a severe case of stage fright in high school
- I knit and crochet. I love starting projects and am horrible at finishing them. I also have large plastic bins of yarn lovingly referred to as the yarn coffins
- I am one of 5 kids. I have 3 amazing sisters and the most caring and kind brother in the world. Thanks to them I am an Aunt which is so much fun! 
- I am a certified SCUBA diver and have been fortunate to dive in California, Florida, Curcao, Cozumel, and Honduras!

Well that's a little more about me. 

I am looking forward to documenting my journeys here!


  1. Love your new blog Hilary! So proud of you for taking control of your weight and turning to a healthy lifestyle. I truly enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work and good luck at Ragnar!

    1. Thank you Kari Ann! I am definitely digging the changes I've made towards a healthy life and am glad you enjoy reading about them. I cannot wait till Ragnar and I'm sure you will hear a lot about it!

  2. I found your blog via runs for cookies as well. Love your blog and can't wait to read more about your journey. I am an emt and do that part time as well as volunteer fire fighter, mom, wife and work a full time office job. You have super cute dog! Can't wait to read about yoru ragnar journey!

    1. Hi Shelley! You are a rock star! Not one of those jobs is easy to do. One of the fire dept in my immediate response area was fully volunteer unit last year when they went to paid call. Thank you so much for being a volunteer firefighter! It takes a wonderful person to leave their home and go help a stranger :)

      Oh and I think Charlie is pretty darn cute too!
